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I am here to share knowledge, not hide it. 


This page contains some content, links, and practices that may be beneficial to you! 

Resources for you


panic attacks, feeling overwhelmed, panicked, pounding heart 

EFT (emotional freedom techniques) tapping

- tapping your fingertips on specific meridian points (where energy circulates through your body) to restore the balance of the body's energy.


  • identify the issue/fear

  • feel the intensity of this issue/fear (establishes a benchmark for you to monitor your progress)

  • setup an affirmation, should be aimed towards acknowledging the issue and accepting yourself despite the problem

  • EFT sequencing - tap your fingertips on any meridian point you are drawn to and focus on your breath and accepting/resolving the negative emotion.

  • test the final intensity - compare with how the intensity was before - if you still don't feel comfortable, repeat the sequence until you do.



Intrusive Thoughts 

Stop, Drop, and Redirect

This is a practice of mental redirection. This is to be used when you are not able to safely and comfortably process emotional/mental distress in a public setting. The goal is to redirect/refocus your behavior, attention, or thought processes from maladaptive thoughts and behaviors to more adaptive ones. 


  • Recognize your intrusive thought and how it feels - if able, make note of what this thought is, what (outside or internal) source brought it to the surface (why it was uncovered).

  • If it does not feel good, IMMEDIATELY visualize a stop sign. 

  • Once you see the stop sign, IMMEDIATELY redirect your mind on something in front of you - a task, an object, a space, a smell, a sound- anything to bring you back to the present and grounded in reality. 

  • As you go through these motions focus on your breath and LET GO (literally ungrasp your hold) on the intrusive thought/behavior. Once you are in a safe space (later), then you can revisit it and thoroughly process it. 

This is practice is easier said than done- it will get easier with practice.

(anxious feeling/trigger) at work or in public





Intrusive Thoughts:   Swaine, Z. (2011). Redirection. In: Kreutzer, J.S., DeLuca, J., Caplan, B. (eds) Encyclopedia of Clinical Neuropsychology. Springer, New York, NY.

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